Useful information and links

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hello everyone!

I have definitely been a stranger to social media lately. I jump on Facebook every once in a while to keep up with friends and family, but even that is only every few days. Nothing like going on there and seeing 54 notifications. Eeeek. But I should be back to regular updates and posts soon. I started a position with a company located in North Austin. It's taking me some serious adjusting getting used to a set schedule, being around people all day, and being away from my son. He's 10, so it's not like he needs me that much anymore but still, I'm used to being the one taking him to school, picking him up, and helping him with his homework. But we're adjusting; albeit he is adjusting better than I am!

Now, to fit fitness activities into my schedule. This has been harder than I thought it would be. When I get home, I just want to zone out and read, or play ridiculous games. But now I'm antsy and miss working out! I generally worked out at home previously but now that we are in a second floor apartment, no running or jumping around allowed.

So I'm going to run the gamut of trying out various gyms! Life Time Fitness is not even a mile down the street, and I pass it each morning on my way to work. Plus it's open 24 hours, so I could go before work which would probably be ideal, though different...

Anyone have experience with Life Time Fitness? And working out in the early morning hours?! Also tips on work/life/fitness balance would be awesome. I need to figure this stuff out.

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Thanks for your comments as I get this started!